Why Is Soar Fitness Different?

You’re tired of feeling like crap. You’re tired of being unhappy with your appearance. You’re tired of feeling years older than you are.

And you just want to get fit. You want to feel good. You want to feel like you again!

You know, you have to do something, but you’ve tried so many times.

And, the thought of failing again, makes you feel even worse.

It feels so overwhelming to keep trying.

Even though you tell yourself, “ok, Monday it is happening!” But by Wednesday, you’re so stressed out. You’re running on an empty tank that quite frankly, you’re reaching for that bottle of wine.

Well, I’m the trainer who specialises in fitness and weight loss nutrition to help plus size women in business like you.  My job is to help stressed out, overworked but driven women use fitness as a tool – to reset their minds and reboot their bodies, and to have a flexible attitude towards nutrition so they stop living on the “I’m starting on Monday”  hamster wheel.

Because I know how it feels

I have an understanding of what you’re going through because I’m right there with you.  I am walking the same steps you are, I totally get it. I’m not your normal trainer or nutritionist. I’m still losing weight and I’m definitely no instagram “fitness model” (and I have no wish to be either, they are a blight on the fitness industry as far as I’m concerned).

I gained a lot of weight over the years because I focused solely on work. Like most women in business, I have the ‘all or nothing’ mentally. Because like you, I want to be the best in my work. In my career, in my business.

And so like you, I put my health last. I always thought, I’d get to it. Once I had accomplished ‘x, y, and z’.

That didn’t really work out. I hit rock bottom.

I was completely mentally exhausted and physically weak that I had to take the time, to slowly rebuild myself to become myself again.

So I know how you feel, even though I haven’t walked the exact steps as you. We’re similar.

We both want to live a meaningful life.  We both believe, everyone is capable of achieving greatness through building a life that’s meaningful and valuable to ourselves and the people we care about.

The thing is, you don’t have to continue feeling held back from not living the life you envisioned, because you hate the way you look…you can change! And I want to help you because you deserve it! You work hard in your career helping others, now it’s time to take care of yourself.


You have even more to achieve!

You know this! You feel this!

But your current state of health, fitness and your weight has dampened your internal drive. It’s drained you and it’s holding you hostage.

And yes, absolutely I can help you fit into a smaller sized dress (that one from a few years ago, that’s still hanging in the back of your wardrobe), or you get to a place, where you can finally go buy a new pair jeans without wanting to rip your hair out, in the changing rooms.

Losing weight, getting fit and feeling good in your clothes. It’s all definitely going to happen, but there’s more to you.

That’s why, I want you to use fitness as a tool to become the real you.

To give you the energy and confidence to do, what you truly want. To not be held captive by those thoughts in your head, that tell you, this is it.

This is not it.

Whatever you’re going through, right now.

It doesn’t have to be ‘it’.

Yeah it sucks.  I know it sucks, but I want to help you get out from there. Because you have so much more to achieve. Think about it.

If you felt really good, deep down inside. Imagine what you would do!

The big things:

✔ Shaking up your career by being more vocal and visible in your career or industry

✔ The adventurous holidays you’d take your family on

✔ Starting that business idea you’ve had for years

✔ Being body confident to take up new hobbies like martial arts or skydiving

And the everyday things:

✔ Feel confident and good in your clothes

✔ Spending time with friends at those social events, which you usually try to skip because you feel fat

✔ Not hating clothes shopping anymore

✔ Enjoying eating out without feeling guilty afterwards

✔ Walking up stairs without being embarrassed because you’re not huffing and puffing anymore

Just think of all the things you’d take part in.

All the things you’d go out and experience…if you didn’t feel held back.

You have dreams, goals, and aspirations that mean something, and if I can help you step out of your pit, so you can starting living the life you want, then that makes my job meaningful.

So please don’t sit on the sidelines of your own life.