Get fit, feel healthier and more energetic. All from the privacy of your own home.

Finally A Program That’s Been Created By Someone Who Is Like You!

If you’ve tried to get fit before with other video based programs, but have always felt as if the trainer or fitness enthusiast just doesn’t truly understand how you’re body moves or how uncomfortable some exercises can be.

But you are keen and motivated, to get your body moving and feel more energetic, then PLUS FIT is for you.

You’ll be taken through a 6 week program (now don’t let that scare you off, you can take time off when you need) with a plus sized personal trainer. Yes, a trainer whose size is more like yours.

What you get:

You get immediate full access to the 6 week program, which you can do on your own timetable. This is the exact program I created and followed myself to get myself back into exercise, after a hiatus. 

Online Videos

The videos are in real time. No fancy Hollywood production with re-takes to wipe off my sweat. I’m in it, training right along with you. The program is 6 weeks and the workouts are planned and pace to gradually add in different exercise movements and duration.

Along with the workouts videos, you’ll also have access to a full exercise library. So you know exactly, what to do!

Program Planner

In addition to the videos you have a complete program planner so you can keep track of your progress and also have the benefit of not always needing an internet connection to complete your workouts.

Simply fire up your favourite playlist and follow the written instructions.

Support Group

You get a personal trainer experience in the private support group as not only can you ask questions, you can also upload videos for me to check your exercise form and advise you on improving the movement, if you need it. Also the support group is private and only includes other plus sized women on the same journey. We’ll all be there to support each other!

The Truth Is, I Never Intentionally Planned to Create This Program

I was writing up my fitness plan, to get myself back into a regular training schedule, after a long break. I had been sick, had gotten buried under a sea of work and just was completely off exercise. You know how it is.  My plan was to get myself back to action, lose some weight and then start creating a fitness program for beginners. All after I had gotten over my own fitness hump.

Then I realised. Wait a minute! Hold up. Here I am in the exact situation I want to help other women get out of, right now. Out of curiousity, I had a look, at what was available for plus sized women.

The thing was, I hadn’t really looked at fitness stuff for a over a year as I was focused on developing The Soar Society, a nutrition hub for women. Of course, I didn’t find much. There were a few women sharing how they achieved weight loss and improved fitness. They had acheived great results and were really inspiring. However, because they weren’t trainers. Some of the advice they gave was a little unsafe.

Of course, there are plenty of trainers who have videos and programs. And I know, they know their stuff, but representation of the women they wanted to help, wasn’t there. They only had fellow fit people in their videos.

So I decided to bite the bullet. I’ll admit, I was a bit nervous because it was never my intention to be a plus size trainer. My plan was to lose weight and get fit first and be the ‘after’ to show other women they could do it.

But there was something my mum had said a few months earlier. I was showing her some youtube videos, she could do at home (with all the Covid restrictions going on). She wasn’t really enthused, until she saw a women in the group…and said, ‘oh that lady, looks like me’. Then she was more excited about following the video.

This popped into my head and so here we are. If it helps other plus size women to start exercising by seeing someone, who is actually plus size too, doing the workout. Then I gotta put my own apprehension to the side and make it happen!


  • Real time training sessions. No Hollywood retakes here! I’m sweating too!
  • Strength training to strengthen your bones and build your muscles
  • The only equipment you need: a set of dumbbells if you have them around the house, or 2 water bottles, 2 cans of food to use as dumbbells.
  • Low impact cardio
  • Access to all videos immediately (You won’t be drip feed the workouts, so you can see how the whole program progresses).
  • Downloadable logbook with the program written out so you can train whenever you are
  • Private support group where you can ask me any questions, upload videos to check your exercise form and have the support of other plus sized women in the program.

    All for only $4.50 a week! Yes, I know this is a ridiculously low price, but I want to make it assessible for as many women as possible.


This is a completely new program, so of course I’d love to have you join. But I know the apprehension well, when you’re looking for help. Wondering, if you’re investing your time and money is worth it. Wondering if you’re taking the right step. That’s why the Plus Fit program is only $27. I want to make it easy for you to say ‘YES!’

Will You Be Able To Do The Exercises?

I am confident that you’ll be able to complete the program because I have specifically avoided complicated movements.

  • To ensure you know what you’re doing, there is a library of exercise tutorials. I’ll talk you through the exercises.
  • You also get a cardio workout each week. PLUS there’s one separate cool down video. As you become more familiar with which stretches you prefer the most, you can move onto creating your own stretching routine.
  • You get a personal trainer experience in the private support group. As you’re able to ask me questions, and you can upload videos of yourself doing specifc exercises, you find a bit difficult or don’t feel right. I can check your form, give you advice and other modification options, if you need them.
  • It’s all about helping you become confident and proficient at moving and strengthening your body, so you’ll be following a core set of exercises throughout the weeks. It won’t be a hodge podge of jumping around in different ways, just for the sake of it.
  • The 6 week program, is a progressive program. We start at 10 minutes and continue in increments to 30 minutes. As you progress, you’ll know when you’re ready to move on and challenge yourself more.

My guarantee to you

Let’s work together with no strings attached.

If you find the program doesn’t suit you, for any reason. You have a full 30 days refund. No questions asked. I want to make it easy for us to start working together. And I know what it’s like to be unsure, when you start something new. Give it a go for 30 days, and if it’s not for you. I’ll refund your money.

To Recap You Get:

18 workout videos in total

Keep track of your progress

Full tutorials of each exercise

Video critiques and advice

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